Monday, 30 July 2012

Tell Your Story to an Immigration Law Expert

You’ve arrived in Australia on a temporary visa and now that you’ve had a look around, you’d like to stay and become part of this community. What’s the next step? How difficult will it be to get permanent residency? What forms are needed? What will you do if your application is refused? It sounds like you could use some help, and at ABC Legal  Immigration Lawyers are available to set you on the right path.

Most native-born Australians wouldn’t try to navigate their way around our immigration system without some advice from somewhere. How amazing is it then, that people unfamiliar with our legal system, and whose very futures depend on their next move being the correct one, would take a chance at doing it themselves?

The laws and processes change regularly, and to keep up with all of it is just too difficult for the average person.

ABC Legal and their team of Sydney Immigration Lawyers. Hamid Mirza leads this group of professional, highly trained, legally qualified people who specialise in immigration issues and the legal processes that surround them. Hamid’s people are highly regarded in the industry and their knowledge of current legislation and related issues is essential for anyone trying to change their immigration status.

“All those forms! And the documents – attach this, need a copy of that. It was all too much for me. I’m glad a friend told me about Hamid and his team. They helped us and now we are happily settled here.”

There are all kinds of people under all kinds of different circumstances who seek entry to and permanent residency of Australia. From professionals and skilled workers wanting to pursue work opportunities here, to tourists on a working holiday or students staying here to complete university right through to refugees, all have different needs and a story to support their application. Hamid is able to sift quickly through your information and provide you with a course of action that supports the legal framework around immigration.

The other absolute plus in your favour when you engage Hamid to help you is that, along with his legal qualifications and experience, he is also a Registered Migration Agent. This means is that should your application for a visa be refused, for example, Hamid, as both a barrister-at-law and a Registered Migration Agent can represent you at the Migration Review Tribunal or in Federal Court. The alternative is that your Migration Agent would have to brief a barrister to provide this representation.

“I was happy to have Hamid with me all the way through the appeal process. He knew my case and my background, and I didn’t have to tell my story all over again to someone else.”

The decision to migrate to another country is not one that most people take lightly, unless they are in a refugee situation. It involves discussions with family members who are not migrating at this time, separation from everything that is familiar, and heading into the unknown to a certain extent. Having a skilled legal representative on your side goes a long way to help your settlement in a new country go smoothly.

Monday, 23 July 2012

ABC Legal Top of Their Game

Good tax lawyers are hard to come by, but for anyone who needs their services, knowing that they have the best in the industry to represent them is a welcome stress reliever, in what can be a traumatic and anxiety-inducing process. With taxation laws as complex as they are, it is not difficult to make a genuine mistake or a poor decision that has repercussions down the line, resulting in the need to appear in court.

Any infringement of the law that has resulted in some action being required through the legal process needs the involvement of an expert in that particular legal area. The sheer size of our legal system now requires specialisation, and most lawyers choose several areas of interest to them, and pursue the knowledge and practice of these areas to better serve their clients.

Instead of spreading themselves very thin over the entire spectrum of Australian law, ABC Legal have taxation lawyers Sydney who are specialists in tax law and who can review large amounts of information quickly and provide timely advice. It also helps the client if the lawyer also has personal skills to place them at ease and communicate the position to them in uncomplicated terms free of jargon.

“Hamid is not only astute in terms of his technical knowledge of the law, he has very high emotional intelligence and it’s his people skills and his willingness to relate and engage that sets him apart from other advisors.”

Areas of taxation law that are referred to ABC Legal include income tax, taxation of trusts, employment tax issues, international tax and tax audits, litigation and dispute resolution. In any one of these areas are pieces of legislation, regulations, rules and previous judgments that require interpretation by a tax lawyer in relation to the specific matter being reviewed and advised on for a client.

People rely on these expert opinions to make decisions that will have a substantial effect on their financial stability and resources, and look for a tax lawyer with a sound reputation for guidance and representation in court if necessary. One of the key benefits of approaching Hamid for advice on tax law is that he is also a qualified accountant, and the blend of these two theatres of knowledge can be an advantage in these situations.

“Hamid demonstrated a real interest in understanding how our business works and unlike previous legal professionals we have used, he achieved real progress in the matters we were involved with and provided us with practical legal advice which we were able to apply the very next day.”

No-one wants to run foul of the taxation laws, and in many cases it is a simple misunderstanding of the application of the law that gets people into situations where they need legal assistance. By consulting an expert legal professional specialising in taxation matters, most issues can be clarified quickly, and if representation is required, the client can feel assured that they are in the best of hands.

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Immigration Process Complex and Difficult

Every year millions of people move between countries, most as tourists and voluntary travellers, but many as refugees, forced to leave their own countries through war, famine, persecution or economic necessity. There are also some who are fleeing justice as a result of some criminal act they have committed, and are fearful of their past being discovered by the country they are trying to enter. On the other side of the coin, there are countries whose borders are open, many who have a structured immigration process to control the number and mix of new entrants, and a few that simply will not accept anyone entering their country from abroad.

With all these variables affecting the movement of people between countries, it is little wonder that a whole industry has evolved around the process of immigration to Australia. It would also be fair to say that most native-born Australians have little knowledge of the laws surrounding legal entry into Australia, nor the actual application process that must be followed to gain that entry.

For people wanting to gain entry, there is a complex series of steps that must be followed, the first of which is to understand under what category they should apply. If the applicant wants to work in Australia there are seven different types of workers that can apply for visas. There is a Family Stream category that seeks to reunite people living in Australia with close family members still overseas. Visitors have six visa options to choose from, and of course there are student visas with subclass options.

Within all of these different categories are specific requirements, some of which may be common to some or all areas, while some are specific to the particular visa being applied for. Getting it wrong at any part of the process will delay the application or worse still, find the person being refused entry. While some people rely on a relative or friend living in Australia to help them through the process, the reality is that if these people have not been through the process themselves, they will have little knowledge of what is required.

With so much at stake people applying for visas, especially those whose applications are not straightforward, are seeking professional assistance from an
immigration lawyer in Sydney who is experienced with the processes and knowledgeable about the immigration laws. Having someone with this level of skills and knowledge can ensure that when the application forms are lodged they are correct and should not be returned for amendments, or rejected through some technicality.

Trying to work through the process without help might seem to be a money-saving solution, but it could be false economy if the application is rejected. It is much better to pay for professional assistance than to have the visa delayed or refused.

Monday, 9 July 2012

Tax Law No Mystery to ABC Legal

One of the expectations that came with the introduction of the GST (goods and services tax) in 2000 was a simpler taxation system, but twelve years down the track, little seems to have changed. In fact, almost 70% of tax returns lodged by PAYG (pay as you go) taxpayers are lodged through either tax agents or accountants due to the difficulty of completing the documentation.

There are a number of ways that taxpayers can find themselves on a collision course with the taxation authorities. They may have acted on poor advice from a supposed professional, neglected to lodge returns regularly over a number of years or were caught out doing something illegal or fraudulent. The reasons don’t matter, but what is important is finding the right professional people to assist them when they need it the most.

ABC Legal is staffed by experts in the field of tax law who will meet with you, review the information presented to them and give you an honest and upfront appraisal of what they believe to be the situation. Once having accepted you as a client, they will take the time to discuss the best way to proceed, and make sure the client understands what is involved and the likely result of any decision that is taken from this time forward.

With an acknowledged reputation as having on staff the best 
taxation lawyers Sydney, ABC Legal offers a lifeline to an individual or a business struggling with a tax law issue that could culminate in legal proceedings. Harmid Mirza is a barrister and a qualified accountant who uses his skill and knowledge in both areas to assist his business clients.

“Hamid demonstrated a real interest in understanding how our business works and unlike previous legal professionals we have used, he achieved real progress in the matters we were involved with and provided us with practical legal advice which we were able to apply the very next day.”

Because of his accounting background, many clients ask their accountant to discuss their issues and seek advice from Hamid direct. There are several ways that ABC Legal  can make Hamid and their other professional staff available to clients. Depending on the complexity of the issue and the time frames involved, written advice can be provided where the client is unable to meet face-to-face. They can also provide advocacy and legal representation where required in all courts and jurisdictions.

Hamid also provides a mobile service and will travel to meet with clients if necessary. Now based in Sydney, Hamid makes himself available where there is a need.

“Hamid grasps the commercial objectives driving projects quicker than other lawyers. He listens well, asks probing questions and his advice is always practical, to the point and on the mark.”

With a talented group of support staff and researchers also attached to ABC Legal, questions of tax related case law are quickly found and relevant information gathered from case judgments and the responses by the taxation authorities to recent court decisions. Their view of public rulings and determinations is readily available, but it requires the sharp legal minds at ABC Legal to dissect the information and apply it to their current client cases.

There is no tax law issue too difficult or complex for the people at ABC Legal. They welcome a challenge and love to apply their legal knowledge to assist clients achieve an outcome that is fair and equitable.

Monday, 2 July 2012

Don’t Struggle with Complicated Forms – Ask a Migration Professional

For the thousands of people who grapple every year with the mountains of paper that is our immigration system, fighting your way through the process is not a journey you need to take alone. There is professional help available and this could be the difference between settling permanently in Australia and having to look at other alternatives.

The whole immigration process is very complex, and the paperwork needed to satisfy the requirements differs depending on the type of visa being applied for. There are many different types of visas, each requiring something different in the way of documentation. For example, in the “worker” category, there are employer sponsored workers, professional and other skilled migrants, business people, specialist entry, doctors and nurses, Pacific seasonal workers and several others.

This is just one category, and there are several others, all with their own sub-categories, and all with different hurdles to jump. Many people are able to work their way through the system themselves, but this becomes more difficult if there are language or cultural barriers. Rather than trying to find someone in the general community who can help them understand the application, people in this situation should contact an immigration lawyer in Sydney.

“We tried asking the pastor at our church to help with our application. Our English is ok but not good enough to read the forms and know what we were signing. He wanted to help, but he didn’t know much about these laws. He said we should find an expert.”

ABC Legal has migration experts available to assist people to navigate their way through the process. Hamid Mirza, as well as being a Registered Migration Agent, is also a barrister, so not only does he have the professional qualifications to manage migration matters, but he can also represent his clients in court proceedings. Other staff members are experienced in different aspects of the application process and can provide assistance to correctly complete forms and give advice about the types of documents required.

“The people at 
ABC Legal took us into the office and showed us how to fill in the forms. They also explained what papers we needed and why we had to have them.”

A character assessment is part of the process for applying for Australian citizenship, and this can sometimes be difficult for applicants. In cases where a statutory declaration may be required, the experienced staff will explain the purpose of this document, and assist the applicants arrange for its completion. Sometimes a penal clearance certificate or police certificate is also required from an overseas government, and having a legally trained migration advisor working on behalf of the applicant will greatly assist to get this document quickly.

The migration laws change from time to time in response to a range of issues. Professional migration advisors are aware of these changes and can give their clients up to date information so that their applications are not held up as a result. For example, changes to the Skilled Occupation List will be effective on 1 July 2012 which will change some occupations that are currently in demand. 

“As an employer sponsoring a skilled migrant, I need to know what the government changes are so that I can look after the needs of my business. I get that up to date assistance from ABC Legal.”

Without the help of trained and experienced migration advisors, the whole process of applying for citizenship is just overwhelming for many people. Engaging a professional gives them a point of contact to ask questions, get assistance and remove the anxiety and stress from what should be an exciting experience.